Oct 8, 2024
This November election is about way more than just Republican versus Democrat. It's about the state of freedom in America, and the fate of peace over chaos around the world. The differences between the two candidates couldn't be more clear-cut, and it's incumbent on voters to move past their personal dislikes and cast...
Oct 1, 2024
Democrats don't like the idea of self-governance, and they certainly don't like the notion of God-given rights and liberties. Why not? It cuts into their power. So what Democrats do in order to destroy American Exceptionalism and the concept of individualism and God-given rights is they divide the nation into tiny...
Sep 26, 2024
If you take a look at the lay of America's political landscape, it's difficult to see why Democrats are so vicious, so divisive, so angry. But then if you look at the high numbers of atheists and secularists and "nones" who call the Democrat Party their political home, it all starts to make sense. New research from...
Sep 24, 2024
Democrats do love their race cards. That's because they really don't have principles and platforms upon which to stand -- at least, they don't have the principles and platforms that resonate with the American people. So they have to disguise their true intents by distracting from their true intents. Democrats figure...
Sep 17, 2024
All things through Christ -- and that applies to the fight to restore the American Dream, as well. America may be facing attacks from communists and socialists and collectivists and secularists who want to turn this nation's government and culture into something it's not -- who want to rebuild the country by ripping out...