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Bold and Blunt

Oct 24, 2024

America sees hundreds of thousands of abortions performed each year, and this is a tragedy. And some of those women, no doubt, would not want to have their abortions if only the men in their lives stepped up and made the right remarks at the right time and in the right tone -- in other words, if the men in their lives vowed to be there for them throughout the life of the child. But as Roland Warren says, men have been told for too long now that a woman's right to choose an abortion is none of their business. So the sad and sorry situation has become: abortion is a woman's issue. But truly, it's not. It's actually a religious issue and a matter for the church and a matter for the family. If we want fewer abortions, we need to press forward the idea that women are not alone in their decisions on whether or not to birth their children. And men need to do better jobs of stepping up and assuming their responsibilities.