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Bold and Blunt

Aug 22, 2023

Democrats aren't exactly the most restrained members of the political class when it comes to attacking opponents. What happens is they get a couple wins under their belt -- or perceived wins -- and their arrogance and pride and greed take over, and they keep pushing for total obliteration. It's one thing to win at the ballot box by making a persuasive case of principles and platforms. It's another thing entirely to lie, cheat, deceive, fabricate, slander, libel and call out the thugs to utterly defeat and destroy a political candidate, the candidate's family and the candidate's career. This is where Democrats commit their great follies: by failing to read the tea leaves on average Americans. So it's with little surprise that the more the Dems attack Donald Trump, the higher his favorable poll numbers rise. Monica Crowley, happy warrior and former Trump administration official, and best-selling author and podcaster, weighs in with insights and analysis.