Woke, woke, woke. Are you getting sick and tired of being told
what to think all the time by the likes of corporate executives and
social media censors and left-leaning Big Tech, Big Government, Big
Pharma, Bigger Government Marxist-minded tyrants? Of course you
are. Nobody likes to be told they're wrong -- constantly --
especially when it seems the only ones being told they're wrong --
constantly -- are the conservatives, the Christians, the patriots
of America. Democrats are supposed to be the people of tolerance
and diversity, yet they're the ones who are killing free speech,
killing diversity, killing any notions of tolerance and acceptance.
The more America goes woke, the more American ideals are going
broke. And this is by design of the left, of course. A.J. Rice, CEO
of Publius PR and author of "The Woking Dead," discusses.
About the Podcast
Bold and blunt: Washington Times online opinion editor Cheryl Chumley brings her no-holds-barred take on the big issues of the day.