If you're a Christian and don't vote -- shame on you. But if
you're a Christian and do vote, and want to take more steps to get
involved and help this country get back on track, then how about
attending some local government meetings and speaking against the
evils that are destroying communities? The local is where the
rubber meets the road. If you want to see, for example, how the
United Nations' push for zero-emissions is impacting your own
community, just go to some local boards of supervisors or local
planning commission meetings -- and use your voice to push back the
alarmism. Too many Christians think politics and faith don't mix.
But that's the wrong view. Bunni Pounds, author of the new "Jesus
and Politics," tells why Christians should definitely be involved
in the political world.
About the Podcast
Bold and blunt: Washington Times online opinion editor Cheryl Chumley brings her no-holds-barred take on the big issues of the day.